
Armani Howard (b. 1993, USA) is a multi-disciplinary, African American Thai artist based in Chicago. His work cross-examines the roles of memory, nostalgia, and folkloric narratives in the creation and preservation of identity

Howard’s paintings are often depicted with allegorical or symbolic features. The physical environments they inhabit are heavily abstracted and obscured, suggesting a realm outside of time in which dream life, memory, and imagination coexist with materiality.The direction of reimagining his existence and experiences as a black body into a visually sizeable body of work has become a form of contemporary folklore.

Dream-like and at times bewildering, his work is expressive of narratives unbounded in time. He hopes this will help navigate future bodies to find their internal dialogue of identity and heritage while sustaining a self-supporting development while navigating through life.


Howard working in his studio - 2022
